A small oversight with Knuth up-arrow notation ()
I thought Knuth up-arrow notation was easy. I also thought its implementation would be easy. I was wrong.
Yet another average user.
Hello and welcome! This is my smolnet space where I archive my little discoveries and thoughts. A static, old-school website is still the best option to share something to the world without compromise: no external advertisers, no algorithmic nightmares, no forced dull ‘n’ dumb design choices.
This site is hosted by the awesome people at tilde.team, a pubnix for learning and sharing about non-corp technology. If you need a simple personal Web page, I can’t recommend ~team enough.
I thought Knuth up-arrow notation was easy. I also thought its implementation would be easy. I was wrong.
For an EDM-head like me, going too much outside the already-heard is hard: acoustic soundscapes such as “The Kick Inside” hardly make me come back, ev…
Since I want to catch up on Music Wednesdays, here is one of my favourite albums!
A Music Wednesday dedicated to new-school American dubstep.
In this (late and overdue) Music Wednesday, a trip to another rock classic.
In this Music Wednesday, a new vaporwave release.
In the first Music Wednesday, an album from a genre I never listen to, just to get out of my comfort zone.
A short review of this year, and some new things coming “soon”.